scald: n.烫伤;晒焦。 scalds and burns 烫伤和烧伤。vt.1.烫伤,晒焦。2.把…放在滚水中过一下,嫩煮;用开水消毒,烫。3.热(牛奶)。短语和例子be scalded to death 被滚水烫死。 the scalded cream 用热牛奶提取的奶油。 scalding tears 热泪,血泪。 scald (out) a cup 烫一烫杯子。n.〔口语〕
Due to safety considerations , visitors can no longer boil eggs in the scalding pools of hell valley , but they can warm their feet in the creek where it flows through peitou s 漫步历史-北投汤终年热气不断的地热谷,虽然因安全考量不能再煮蛋,新近完成的亲水公园,倒是可以泡脚。